In this edition of "Seeing Jesus in..." I would like to exam seeing Christ in the Movie The Karate Kid III.
Quick background:
The movie is about a "Kid" named Daniel LaRusso who was being trained for a Karate Tournament by his teacher and friend Mr. Miyagi.
We pick up this Part III installment of the movie. In this film a new "threat" emerges and that is Daniel having recently returned home to California with Mr. Miyagi. The old teacher John Kreese who taught a group of students the ways of Karate but more in a manner that was less honorable -strike first, strike hard, no mercy- was now broke and miserable as his school shut down because of lack of enrollment which all stemmed from Daniel and Mr. Miyagi exposing him to be a "evil" teacher. Now at the end of his ropes he went to visit his old friend Terry Silver. Kreese told Silver all that he was going through and Silver learning all that happened with Kreese's school and the direct cause was felt he owed him a favor and decided he would punish Larusso and Mr Miyagi by having Larusso turn against him.
Silver hired a guy Mike Barnes who was known as Karate's Bad Boy to get Daniel to compete in the tournament again. Daniel was really interested but Mr. Miyagi was not interested in further training Daniel, because he didn't believe Daniel had the right intentions. Daniel soon agreed that his teacher was right. However after Mike Barnes continue to attack and beat up Daniel to "convince" him to compete, Daniel again became interested but Mr. Miyagi still would not agree to train Daniel. Enter Terry Silver the supposed saving grace who steps in to save Daniel from the attacks of Barnes. He offered to train Daniel and acted as a friend and ally. The way he was now being taught was in a manner that resulted in him learning the less honorable ways of Karate, learning it was ok to hurt people, breaking their noses etc. -if a man can't see he can't fight-.
Mr. Miyagi soon learned what was happening but Larusso now fully upset and convinced he was doing the right thing turned again him. Thus completing what the plan was.
As Larusso saw the light he decided he could not compete in this tournament learning that this new way of Karate was wrong. He went to the dojo where Terry Silver was and stated to him, he could not and no longer wanted to compete. Terry Silver upset and puzzled stated "You are getting in that ring" and stating that "Either you fight one fight on one day, or you fight everyday for the rest of your life. So what's it going to be Danny boy?" Thus revelaing himself to be an evil teacher.
Larusso is then attacked by Barnes who was hiding as John Kresse revealed himself from the shadows. As Daniel hurt physically stumbles out of the dojo. As Barnes runs out to attack Larusso further in comes Mr. Miyagi to the rescue as he defends Larusso against the three, Barnes, Kreese and Silver as he beats them with his Karate.
Larusso now stumbles back in asks Mr. Miyagi "now will you train me?" in the most powerful manner possible for the old teacher Mr. Miyagi says "Hai, now Miyagi train you."
Mr. Miyagi begins training Daniel again. In one of the films most captivating moments Mr. Miyagi tells Daniel about the Bonsai tree here's a dialog:
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Inside you same place you karate come from.
Daniel Larusso: My karate comes from you.
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Ah. Only root karate come from Miyagi. Just like bonsai choose own way grow because root strong you choose own way grow.
Daniel Larusso: I do it your way.
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Hai. One day you do own way.
We get to the tournament and it sees Larusso battling Mike Barnes who is picking him apart. The plan was for Barnes to punish him in the ring by doing illegal moves such as strikes to the face. At the same time Barnes didn't want to lose. The tournament is based on points and what Terry Silver and John Kreese wanted Barnes to do was to gain a point in and then lose a point by doing something illegal, thereby punishing Daniel as Silver looks on who exclaims quitely "Perfect". Larusso now battered and bruised lays on the mat as the final moments of the match comes which results in "Sudden Death", Mr. Miyagi see's his fallen student and runs over to him.
Here's the dialog:
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Daniel-san! Daniel-san!
Daniel Larusso: Mr. Miyagi, it's over! It's over, Forget about it!
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: No... No!
Daniel Larusso: I'm afraid! Let's get out of here, I wanna go home!
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Cannot, must not! It's ok lose to opponent! Must not lose to fear!
Daniel Larusso: But I'm afraid! I'm afraid of him! What am I supposed to do it?
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: OY-OY... OY-OY... OY! You stay focused. Daniel-san, you best karate still inside you! Now time let out!
as the bell sounds to begin Sudden Death, Barnes taunts his opponent:
Mike Barnes: Come on, get up! Get on that line! Get on that line, LaRusso! You're worthless! Your slope teacher's nothing! Get up, man! You're no champion! Get up! You suck, LaRusso! You suck, man! And your teacher's karate !@#$! You hear me! It's !@#$!
[Daniel looks over at Silver and Kreese] who are laughing
Mike Barnes: You're a joke, LaRusso! Your karate's a joke and your teacher isn't worth !@#$! He's nothing! He's nothing! And you're nothing! I own you! I own you, LaRusso! Where's your little Jap teacher now, huh! He's a phony, man! He's a fake!
[Daniel looks over at Mr. Miyagi] Mr. Miyagi is focused and with his quiet expression encouraging his fallen and berated student
Mike Barnes: And he didn't teach you nothing! Your karate's !@#$! You hear me! Get up!
Larusso now hearing the taunts by Barnes get's up bows to his teacher then bows to Barnes as the refree yells Begin!
Here's the Dialog:
Refree: Begin!
As Barnes rushes over Daniel stands there and does the Kata.
Silver: Mike! Take him out!
Silver: Hit him!
Silver: Get the point! Get the point!
Kreese: Hit him, Mike! He's hallucinating.
Barnes confused and doesn't know what's going on just completes and rushes in, as Larusso, gracefully moves out of the way grabs and flips Barnes over strikes him on the shoulder.
Refree: Winner!
As Miyagi look on with relief and a smile, Daniel rushes over hugs raises his teacher's hand and proclaims
Daniel: "We Did IT!!"
Seeing Jesus:
In this film we see an evil teacher (image of Satan) training a student from being a good student to being just like him all in the name of revenge.
Further we see the good teacher (image of Jesus) Mr. Miyagi coming to the aid of his fallen student, first by rescuing him, next by training him in the good ways (cleansing him) of karate, and finally being there for him encouraging him and telling Him (the teachings of Jesus) remember what I taught you.
By all this it encouraged Daniel. When Barnes was taunting Daniel at the end of the match (just before the victory) we see the image of Goliath as he taunted David and God.
1 Samuel 17:41-47
41 And the Philistine moved forward and came near to David, with his shield-bearer in front of him. 42 And when the Philistine looked and saw David, he disdained him, for he was but a youth, ruddy and handsome in appearance.
Goliath: 43 And the Philistine said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?”
And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.
Goliath: 44 The Philistine said to David, “Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the field.”
David: 45 Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, 47 and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.”
Very spot on in this film. As Larusso in the finale proclaims as he raises his teacher's (Jesus) hand "We did it!"
Quick background:
The movie is about a "Kid" named Daniel LaRusso who was being trained for a Karate Tournament by his teacher and friend Mr. Miyagi.
We pick up this Part III installment of the movie. In this film a new "threat" emerges and that is Daniel having recently returned home to California with Mr. Miyagi. The old teacher John Kreese who taught a group of students the ways of Karate but more in a manner that was less honorable -strike first, strike hard, no mercy- was now broke and miserable as his school shut down because of lack of enrollment which all stemmed from Daniel and Mr. Miyagi exposing him to be a "evil" teacher. Now at the end of his ropes he went to visit his old friend Terry Silver. Kreese told Silver all that he was going through and Silver learning all that happened with Kreese's school and the direct cause was felt he owed him a favor and decided he would punish Larusso and Mr Miyagi by having Larusso turn against him.
Silver hired a guy Mike Barnes who was known as Karate's Bad Boy to get Daniel to compete in the tournament again. Daniel was really interested but Mr. Miyagi was not interested in further training Daniel, because he didn't believe Daniel had the right intentions. Daniel soon agreed that his teacher was right. However after Mike Barnes continue to attack and beat up Daniel to "convince" him to compete, Daniel again became interested but Mr. Miyagi still would not agree to train Daniel. Enter Terry Silver the supposed saving grace who steps in to save Daniel from the attacks of Barnes. He offered to train Daniel and acted as a friend and ally. The way he was now being taught was in a manner that resulted in him learning the less honorable ways of Karate, learning it was ok to hurt people, breaking their noses etc. -if a man can't see he can't fight-.
Mr. Miyagi soon learned what was happening but Larusso now fully upset and convinced he was doing the right thing turned again him. Thus completing what the plan was.
As Larusso saw the light he decided he could not compete in this tournament learning that this new way of Karate was wrong. He went to the dojo where Terry Silver was and stated to him, he could not and no longer wanted to compete. Terry Silver upset and puzzled stated "You are getting in that ring" and stating that "Either you fight one fight on one day, or you fight everyday for the rest of your life. So what's it going to be Danny boy?" Thus revelaing himself to be an evil teacher.
Larusso is then attacked by Barnes who was hiding as John Kresse revealed himself from the shadows. As Daniel hurt physically stumbles out of the dojo. As Barnes runs out to attack Larusso further in comes Mr. Miyagi to the rescue as he defends Larusso against the three, Barnes, Kreese and Silver as he beats them with his Karate.
Larusso now stumbles back in asks Mr. Miyagi "now will you train me?" in the most powerful manner possible for the old teacher Mr. Miyagi says "Hai, now Miyagi train you."
Mr. Miyagi begins training Daniel again. In one of the films most captivating moments Mr. Miyagi tells Daniel about the Bonsai tree here's a dialog:
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Inside you same place you karate come from.
Daniel Larusso: My karate comes from you.
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Ah. Only root karate come from Miyagi. Just like bonsai choose own way grow because root strong you choose own way grow.
Daniel Larusso: I do it your way.
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Hai. One day you do own way.
We get to the tournament and it sees Larusso battling Mike Barnes who is picking him apart. The plan was for Barnes to punish him in the ring by doing illegal moves such as strikes to the face. At the same time Barnes didn't want to lose. The tournament is based on points and what Terry Silver and John Kreese wanted Barnes to do was to gain a point in and then lose a point by doing something illegal, thereby punishing Daniel as Silver looks on who exclaims quitely "Perfect". Larusso now battered and bruised lays on the mat as the final moments of the match comes which results in "Sudden Death", Mr. Miyagi see's his fallen student and runs over to him.
Here's the dialog:
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Daniel-san! Daniel-san!
Daniel Larusso: Mr. Miyagi, it's over! It's over, Forget about it!
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: No... No!
Daniel Larusso: I'm afraid! Let's get out of here, I wanna go home!
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Cannot, must not! It's ok lose to opponent! Must not lose to fear!
Daniel Larusso: But I'm afraid! I'm afraid of him! What am I supposed to do it?
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: OY-OY... OY-OY... OY! You stay focused. Daniel-san, you best karate still inside you! Now time let out!
as the bell sounds to begin Sudden Death, Barnes taunts his opponent:
Mike Barnes: Come on, get up! Get on that line! Get on that line, LaRusso! You're worthless! Your slope teacher's nothing! Get up, man! You're no champion! Get up! You suck, LaRusso! You suck, man! And your teacher's karate !@#$! You hear me! It's !@#$!
[Daniel looks over at Silver and Kreese] who are laughing
Mike Barnes: You're a joke, LaRusso! Your karate's a joke and your teacher isn't worth !@#$! He's nothing! He's nothing! And you're nothing! I own you! I own you, LaRusso! Where's your little Jap teacher now, huh! He's a phony, man! He's a fake!
[Daniel looks over at Mr. Miyagi] Mr. Miyagi is focused and with his quiet expression encouraging his fallen and berated student
Mike Barnes: And he didn't teach you nothing! Your karate's !@#$! You hear me! Get up!
Larusso now hearing the taunts by Barnes get's up bows to his teacher then bows to Barnes as the refree yells Begin!
Here's the Dialog:
Refree: Begin!
As Barnes rushes over Daniel stands there and does the Kata.
Silver: Mike! Take him out!
Silver: Hit him!
Silver: Get the point! Get the point!
Kreese: Hit him, Mike! He's hallucinating.
Barnes confused and doesn't know what's going on just completes and rushes in, as Larusso, gracefully moves out of the way grabs and flips Barnes over strikes him on the shoulder.
Refree: Winner!
As Miyagi look on with relief and a smile, Daniel rushes over hugs raises his teacher's hand and proclaims
Daniel: "We Did IT!!"
Seeing Jesus:
In this film we see an evil teacher (image of Satan) training a student from being a good student to being just like him all in the name of revenge.
Further we see the good teacher (image of Jesus) Mr. Miyagi coming to the aid of his fallen student, first by rescuing him, next by training him in the good ways (cleansing him) of karate, and finally being there for him encouraging him and telling Him (the teachings of Jesus) remember what I taught you.
By all this it encouraged Daniel. When Barnes was taunting Daniel at the end of the match (just before the victory) we see the image of Goliath as he taunted David and God.
1 Samuel 17:41-47
41 And the Philistine moved forward and came near to David, with his shield-bearer in front of him. 42 And when the Philistine looked and saw David, he disdained him, for he was but a youth, ruddy and handsome in appearance.
Goliath: 43 And the Philistine said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?”
And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.
Goliath: 44 The Philistine said to David, “Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the field.”
David: 45 Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, 47 and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.”
Very spot on in this film. As Larusso in the finale proclaims as he raises his teacher's (Jesus) hand "We did it!"