Weekly Verse and Song for Tonight Weeks 465-474
December 21, 2022
Week 465
Exodus 15:26
26 He said, “If you listen carefully to the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you.”
Hearing and Listening To The Lord
This morning I woke feeling a little bit uneasy. After a few weeks of being off work from having surgery, I started to feel the Lord speaking to me, not in an audible sense but through this morning's daily devotion. In tonight's verse we come to Exodus 15:26:
26 He said, “If you listen carefully to the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you.”
Now, this verse was written for us, not necessarily to us. However, we can take from it the action of listening and doing, not just hearing. Looking these words up we see that listening and hearing are distinct terms. Hearing is defined as accidental, involuntary, and effortless. Listening is defined as focused, voluntary, and intentional.
When I was growing up mom would tell us to do certain things, if we did the thing mom asked us to do we were listening, in other words obeying. In the verse tonight God is telling the Israelites to listen to Him and to do. This is an important point to make, I feel that the Lord is calling me to an action of listening and doing not necessarily just to hear without action. I felt that the Lord through the devotion was giving me a focus. This was a clear leading for me, not something that I was unsure of, so be aware as you listen and do, that the direction you feel lead-in is a sure leading and not something you are just making up in your mind.
Today it is important as the Lord leads you if you are clearly sure that the Lord is calling you, to listen and do, trust in that, and move forward towards God's call. Trust Him because He is faithful.
Merry Christmas! Praise God for all that He has done through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Love you mom, and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One who is Faithful.
"Do You Hear What I Hear" (Official Music Video) | GENTRI
Week 465
Exodus 15:26
26 He said, “If you listen carefully to the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you.”
Hearing and Listening To The Lord
This morning I woke feeling a little bit uneasy. After a few weeks of being off work from having surgery, I started to feel the Lord speaking to me, not in an audible sense but through this morning's daily devotion. In tonight's verse we come to Exodus 15:26:
26 He said, “If you listen carefully to the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you.”
Now, this verse was written for us, not necessarily to us. However, we can take from it the action of listening and doing, not just hearing. Looking these words up we see that listening and hearing are distinct terms. Hearing is defined as accidental, involuntary, and effortless. Listening is defined as focused, voluntary, and intentional.
When I was growing up mom would tell us to do certain things, if we did the thing mom asked us to do we were listening, in other words obeying. In the verse tonight God is telling the Israelites to listen to Him and to do. This is an important point to make, I feel that the Lord is calling me to an action of listening and doing not necessarily just to hear without action. I felt that the Lord through the devotion was giving me a focus. This was a clear leading for me, not something that I was unsure of, so be aware as you listen and do, that the direction you feel lead-in is a sure leading and not something you are just making up in your mind.
Today it is important as the Lord leads you if you are clearly sure that the Lord is calling you, to listen and do, trust in that, and move forward towards God's call. Trust Him because He is faithful.
Merry Christmas! Praise God for all that He has done through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Love you mom, and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One who is Faithful.
"Do You Hear What I Hear" (Official Music Video) | GENTRI
December 28, 2022
Week 466
1 John 4:1 ESV
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Penetrating Our Hearts
Just recently I met a friend and as we sat down to talk I was trying to figure out if this person was a Christian or not. This person has had a lot of bad experiences in her life including relationships that were very difficult for her. As I was speaking to her I could tell that she had knowledge of the truth, but it did not penetrate her heart. In tonight's verse we come to 1 John 4:1:
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Growing up with my mom, I was taught many things, my mom would take me to Church, and encourage me to read and pray. Ultimately I think my mom was leading me to not only know the Lord but to love the Lord. As time went on my life took turns but in 2004 is when I can say that my heart was turned over to Jesus fully while I was watching the movie "The Passion of Christ".
A walk with the Lord may start with head knowledge but it doesn't end there. Knowledge must penetrate the heart (Psalm 90:12), to where we love the Lord truly and where our hearts are turned over to Him. It is the most important part of being a Christian that our desire is for Him, not other things.
In my life today I can say that my heart for the Lord is to honor and serve Him, as I love Him with all my heart, anything less makes me question my love for Him. At the same time when we speak with others, especially those that we may be considering a relationship with we must understand whether they have knowledge of God and whether this knowledge has penetrated their hearts.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One who has our Heart.
Crowder - Come As You Are (Music Video)
Week 466
1 John 4:1 ESV
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Penetrating Our Hearts
Just recently I met a friend and as we sat down to talk I was trying to figure out if this person was a Christian or not. This person has had a lot of bad experiences in her life including relationships that were very difficult for her. As I was speaking to her I could tell that she had knowledge of the truth, but it did not penetrate her heart. In tonight's verse we come to 1 John 4:1:
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Growing up with my mom, I was taught many things, my mom would take me to Church, and encourage me to read and pray. Ultimately I think my mom was leading me to not only know the Lord but to love the Lord. As time went on my life took turns but in 2004 is when I can say that my heart was turned over to Jesus fully while I was watching the movie "The Passion of Christ".
A walk with the Lord may start with head knowledge but it doesn't end there. Knowledge must penetrate the heart (Psalm 90:12), to where we love the Lord truly and where our hearts are turned over to Him. It is the most important part of being a Christian that our desire is for Him, not other things.
In my life today I can say that my heart for the Lord is to honor and serve Him, as I love Him with all my heart, anything less makes me question my love for Him. At the same time when we speak with others, especially those that we may be considering a relationship with we must understand whether they have knowledge of God and whether this knowledge has penetrated their hearts.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One who has our Heart.
Crowder - Come As You Are (Music Video)
January 4, 2023
Week 467
Exodus 14:14
14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.
Your Red Sea
One of the things about me that I am trying to improve on is whenever I make a decision I tend to look back and think I should have done this or I should have done that instead. I feel led to improve on this by the Lord. In tonight's verse, we come to Exodus 14:4:
"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."
Just some context around this is that Moses is leading the Israelites out of Egypt and Pharaoh and his army are now following a chase. This is because Pharaoh's heart was hardened by God, as he regretted letting the Israelites go. The Israelites came to a stopping point where they could seemingly go no further because they came to the Red Sea which blocked their path, they cried to Moses telling him it would have been better if they had stayed in Egypt as slaves.
When my mom got married, my mom's dad did not want my mom to do so. Now my mom moved with mom's husband to America, had five kids, and the marriage after time was over. No job, nothing, mom may have looked back to mom's country of India, thinking of mom's dad and perhaps wanting to go back to live a less struggling life. However, through a series of circumstances, mom knew this was God's plan.
Recently I made a decision to go back to work though still recovering from my injury, and with that came a lot of turmoil, my mind goes back to the "I should have done this instead", or "I should have done that instead". I notice that this is a pattern in my own life, with other things, such as a relationship, a friendship, a job I took or didn't take, a house I bought or shouldn't have bought, a car I bought, etc. This is a real pattern when faced with opposition, much like the Israelites as they looked to what they had in the past as slaves, instead of looking forward to what God is bringing them to.
Decisions need to be made in life, whatever those decisions are trust that God has you, He has you when you wake up, throughout the day, and when you sleep, He has you always. Trust Him, if there is any phrase to remember from this is to "Trust Him". The Israelites moved forward as the Red Sea parted, and God made a way for them, this "be still" is really meaning trusting God, and do not worry, He will make a way. As a Christian when you trust the Lord with your very life when you make a decision know that God has you look forward and move forward not backward. When you do the "I should have...I should of..." will dissipate and instead be replaced with forward-thinking and forward-moving - literally and figuratively.
I love you mom and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One who guards us.
David Crowder*Band - How He Loves (Official Music Video)
Week 467
Exodus 14:14
14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.
Your Red Sea
One of the things about me that I am trying to improve on is whenever I make a decision I tend to look back and think I should have done this or I should have done that instead. I feel led to improve on this by the Lord. In tonight's verse, we come to Exodus 14:4:
"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."
Just some context around this is that Moses is leading the Israelites out of Egypt and Pharaoh and his army are now following a chase. This is because Pharaoh's heart was hardened by God, as he regretted letting the Israelites go. The Israelites came to a stopping point where they could seemingly go no further because they came to the Red Sea which blocked their path, they cried to Moses telling him it would have been better if they had stayed in Egypt as slaves.
When my mom got married, my mom's dad did not want my mom to do so. Now my mom moved with mom's husband to America, had five kids, and the marriage after time was over. No job, nothing, mom may have looked back to mom's country of India, thinking of mom's dad and perhaps wanting to go back to live a less struggling life. However, through a series of circumstances, mom knew this was God's plan.
Recently I made a decision to go back to work though still recovering from my injury, and with that came a lot of turmoil, my mind goes back to the "I should have done this instead", or "I should have done that instead". I notice that this is a pattern in my own life, with other things, such as a relationship, a friendship, a job I took or didn't take, a house I bought or shouldn't have bought, a car I bought, etc. This is a real pattern when faced with opposition, much like the Israelites as they looked to what they had in the past as slaves, instead of looking forward to what God is bringing them to.
Decisions need to be made in life, whatever those decisions are trust that God has you, He has you when you wake up, throughout the day, and when you sleep, He has you always. Trust Him, if there is any phrase to remember from this is to "Trust Him". The Israelites moved forward as the Red Sea parted, and God made a way for them, this "be still" is really meaning trusting God, and do not worry, He will make a way. As a Christian when you trust the Lord with your very life when you make a decision know that God has you look forward and move forward not backward. When you do the "I should have...I should of..." will dissipate and instead be replaced with forward-thinking and forward-moving - literally and figuratively.
I love you mom and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One who guards us.
David Crowder*Band - How He Loves (Official Music Video)
January 11, 2023
Week 468
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Seeing Everything Coming From God
Sometimes when you are going through things that are difficult you feel a sense being overwhelmed. For me, there are things that suddenly feel thrust upon me that I didn't expect. For example, I am waking up each day with a bit of angst, and even as a follower of Christ I still have that. In tonight's verse, we come to the pages of Romans, verse 8:28:
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
When I was younger the one thing I would always see was my mom taking care of mom's kids. Mom was a single parent, suddenly thrust into a situation where mom had to take care of us without any help, without working. There must have been times when mom wondered how things back home in India would have been if mom just had stayed there or why is mom going through this now, is God upset with me? As Christians you see we are not immune to these thoughts things are always seemingly up and down, we encounter times of disparity and angst and we wonder why we are going through something, what wrong thing did we do, sometimes suddenly or gradually. We will even wonder if is God upset with us.
When we have feelings of being upset as we wonder why we are going through something, recall the verse from Romans 8:28, "ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him...". It's so important to see everything coming from God and know that He will work your situation out. Now, what do we do in those times? There is no one approach or one answer, it is important though to not panic, to listen to God, listen for God, and act. Let's say you have a work situation that is bothering you, first seek Him through prayer. If you have a strong leading from the Lord to stay, then that's what you do, if you have a strong leading from the Lord to move on, then that's what you do. In those situations remember God is with you, and if you stay God you will see His goodness if you move on you will see His goodness. The point is to know that God will work out the good in every situation on your behalf. Trust Him in every and all situation, and
lay your burdens before Him through prayer.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord
Home with the One who Protects us.
Crowder - Glory Glory (God Is Able) (Austin City Limits Live, Austin, TX/2022)
Week 468
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Seeing Everything Coming From God
Sometimes when you are going through things that are difficult you feel a sense being overwhelmed. For me, there are things that suddenly feel thrust upon me that I didn't expect. For example, I am waking up each day with a bit of angst, and even as a follower of Christ I still have that. In tonight's verse, we come to the pages of Romans, verse 8:28:
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
When I was younger the one thing I would always see was my mom taking care of mom's kids. Mom was a single parent, suddenly thrust into a situation where mom had to take care of us without any help, without working. There must have been times when mom wondered how things back home in India would have been if mom just had stayed there or why is mom going through this now, is God upset with me? As Christians you see we are not immune to these thoughts things are always seemingly up and down, we encounter times of disparity and angst and we wonder why we are going through something, what wrong thing did we do, sometimes suddenly or gradually. We will even wonder if is God upset with us.
When we have feelings of being upset as we wonder why we are going through something, recall the verse from Romans 8:28, "ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him...". It's so important to see everything coming from God and know that He will work your situation out. Now, what do we do in those times? There is no one approach or one answer, it is important though to not panic, to listen to God, listen for God, and act. Let's say you have a work situation that is bothering you, first seek Him through prayer. If you have a strong leading from the Lord to stay, then that's what you do, if you have a strong leading from the Lord to move on, then that's what you do. In those situations remember God is with you, and if you stay God you will see His goodness if you move on you will see His goodness. The point is to know that God will work out the good in every situation on your behalf. Trust Him in every and all situation, and
lay your burdens before Him through prayer.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord
Home with the One who Protects us.
Crowder - Glory Glory (God Is Able) (Austin City Limits Live, Austin, TX/2022)
January 18, 2023
Week 469
Romans 8:37
37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
Overcoming Insurmountable Odds
I do believe that God takes us through various "seasons" of our lives to ultimately mold us into who He wants us to be. I was thinking about it, last year things were so busy I was working a lot and then suddenly this year things seemed to have dried up. In that instant, it seems so easy to keep looking back and say "I should have done this or that". The right thing however is not to look back but to keep looking forward, knowing that God is with us. In tonight's verse, we come to the pages of Romans 8:37:
"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."
I just think about mom and all the struggles mom went through, as I grew up. There were times were mom had seasons where things were dried up and times were things were going better. In all those times mom had to stand strong, but not stand strong in mom's self a lone, but in God.
It's important to know that we are not just getting by in life though it may seem this way God has plans for us, as we go through these struggles and dry seasons for us to know the Lord more, and for Him to mold us into who He wants us to be. Life has all the ups and downs that one can expect. When you are facing insurmountable odds seek God and know that He is with you, and your struggle will end, seek what He wants you to know in those times. . Pray that God shows you want He wants you to know as you face what may seem insurmountable. Know that through Him YOU are more than a conquer.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One who strengthens us.
Chris McClarney – Speak To The Mountains (Official Lyric Video)
Week 469
Romans 8:37
37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
Overcoming Insurmountable Odds
I do believe that God takes us through various "seasons" of our lives to ultimately mold us into who He wants us to be. I was thinking about it, last year things were so busy I was working a lot and then suddenly this year things seemed to have dried up. In that instant, it seems so easy to keep looking back and say "I should have done this or that". The right thing however is not to look back but to keep looking forward, knowing that God is with us. In tonight's verse, we come to the pages of Romans 8:37:
"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."
I just think about mom and all the struggles mom went through, as I grew up. There were times were mom had seasons where things were dried up and times were things were going better. In all those times mom had to stand strong, but not stand strong in mom's self a lone, but in God.
It's important to know that we are not just getting by in life though it may seem this way God has plans for us, as we go through these struggles and dry seasons for us to know the Lord more, and for Him to mold us into who He wants us to be. Life has all the ups and downs that one can expect. When you are facing insurmountable odds seek God and know that He is with you, and your struggle will end, seek what He wants you to know in those times. . Pray that God shows you want He wants you to know as you face what may seem insurmountable. Know that through Him YOU are more than a conquer.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One who strengthens us.
Chris McClarney – Speak To The Mountains (Official Lyric Video)
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January 25, 2023
Week 470
Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Remember That God Is In Control
Through the circumstances that I faced and am still facing this year, I've been tempted to get discouraged. In tonight's verse, we come to the pages of Isaiah 55:8-9:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Growing up with my mom I saw many things that mom faced. Even in my current circumstance, I think about how did my mom feel when, mom looked at us and knew mom had to take care of us without a job, without having more? I never really knew how mom felt but what I did know by how mom looked at times was that mom was dealing with a lot. There was a lot on my mom's mind all the time. One thing I recall about mom's actions is seeing mom pray in a prayer corner of the house, mom's dependence was on the Lord.
When I think of my current situation in life where suddenly there is a domino effect, I realize that more and more I need to remember that my dependence is not on me but on the Lord. I want changes now, I feel like a new job is needed now, I feel I want my health better now, and the list goes on. From the verse tonight I am reminded that it is the Lord's ways not my own that is right. Forcing things and becoming anxious (Matthew 6:25) is not the Lord's way, reminding ourselves that it is the Lord's way, not mine is correct.
Right now in whatever situation and circumstance you are in while going through it remind yourself that God is in control. It is an exercise that's best put to use when you are in the situation and an exercise that must be continually invested in. Remind yourself as you are going through your struggle that God is in control, let that thought seep into your ever being, and remember that this struggle is temporary, you will grow in it, and God will get you through for He assumes responsibility for your life. If you are not sure of this remember the cross.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One with Higher thoughts.
Way Maker (Lyric Video) - Leeland [ Official ]
Week 470
Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Remember That God Is In Control
Through the circumstances that I faced and am still facing this year, I've been tempted to get discouraged. In tonight's verse, we come to the pages of Isaiah 55:8-9:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Growing up with my mom I saw many things that mom faced. Even in my current circumstance, I think about how did my mom feel when, mom looked at us and knew mom had to take care of us without a job, without having more? I never really knew how mom felt but what I did know by how mom looked at times was that mom was dealing with a lot. There was a lot on my mom's mind all the time. One thing I recall about mom's actions is seeing mom pray in a prayer corner of the house, mom's dependence was on the Lord.
When I think of my current situation in life where suddenly there is a domino effect, I realize that more and more I need to remember that my dependence is not on me but on the Lord. I want changes now, I feel like a new job is needed now, I feel I want my health better now, and the list goes on. From the verse tonight I am reminded that it is the Lord's ways not my own that is right. Forcing things and becoming anxious (Matthew 6:25) is not the Lord's way, reminding ourselves that it is the Lord's way, not mine is correct.
Right now in whatever situation and circumstance you are in while going through it remind yourself that God is in control. It is an exercise that's best put to use when you are in the situation and an exercise that must be continually invested in. Remind yourself as you are going through your struggle that God is in control, let that thought seep into your ever being, and remember that this struggle is temporary, you will grow in it, and God will get you through for He assumes responsibility for your life. If you are not sure of this remember the cross.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One with Higher thoughts.
Way Maker (Lyric Video) - Leeland [ Official ]
February 1, 2023
Week 471
Ephesians 3:20-21
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
When Things Seem Impossible
Sometimes when you are in the midst of a situation or circumstance things can seem impossible. Let's say you are working your job for a long time everything seems to be going well then suddenly things change without expecting it, or you are in great health, and then suddenly that changes. In those situations, because there is no preparation for you, you can suddenly feel that because of this sudden change, things are impossible. In tonight's verse, we come to the pages of Ephesians 3:20-21:
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Growing up in a household where things always were not easy I would say prepared me by God's grace to face hard things. Mom always took care of us, something always just seemed normal even things that were not easy. However, if you never faced those things, or are facing them now know that these are just a situation or circumstances that God knows about in your life. These things are not impossible.
As a Christian when you are faced with things that seem impossible, turn to God and seek His guidance. You do this in many ways, one of those ways is to seek godly advice (wise counsel Proverbs 19:20), turn to scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17), through pray knowing that God is near you (Philippians 4:5-7). The truth is trusting in the Lord is not an easy task, but knowing that He is with you through it all will help you understand that nothing is impossible with Him (Matthew 19:26).
Your situation or circumstance will improve and you will see God's glory, according to His purpose and plan.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One who makes what seems impossible possible.
I Stand Amazed - Norton Hall Band
Week 471
Ephesians 3:20-21
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
When Things Seem Impossible
Sometimes when you are in the midst of a situation or circumstance things can seem impossible. Let's say you are working your job for a long time everything seems to be going well then suddenly things change without expecting it, or you are in great health, and then suddenly that changes. In those situations, because there is no preparation for you, you can suddenly feel that because of this sudden change, things are impossible. In tonight's verse, we come to the pages of Ephesians 3:20-21:
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Growing up in a household where things always were not easy I would say prepared me by God's grace to face hard things. Mom always took care of us, something always just seemed normal even things that were not easy. However, if you never faced those things, or are facing them now know that these are just a situation or circumstances that God knows about in your life. These things are not impossible.
As a Christian when you are faced with things that seem impossible, turn to God and seek His guidance. You do this in many ways, one of those ways is to seek godly advice (wise counsel Proverbs 19:20), turn to scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17), through pray knowing that God is near you (Philippians 4:5-7). The truth is trusting in the Lord is not an easy task, but knowing that He is with you through it all will help you understand that nothing is impossible with Him (Matthew 19:26).
Your situation or circumstance will improve and you will see God's glory, according to His purpose and plan.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One who makes what seems impossible possible.
I Stand Amazed - Norton Hall Band
February 8, 2023
Week 472
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Making Decisions
One of the hardest things for me, is making a decisions. It seems a lot of times when presented with options, I do my very best to trust that the Lord will lead me to an answer. However, many times after making a decision I back track and wonder if that was the right thing or not. In tonight's verse we come to Proverbs 3:5-6:
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord.
This has been a verse a cited a lot before in the past. When I was younger I recall a time I had to make a decision to help someone who I thought was doing something that was questionable. When I was deciding what to do, I turned to my mom, who didn't always have the answers but would pray for me and direct me. I won't forget that time because mom directed me to a Pastor who I spoke with to get some answers. I always trust that God will guard me through every situation as best as I can, but it's the surrendering that makes things better.
It's not easy to simply trust God, it takes exercising that faith in Him, that He will see you through every decision you make. Today if you are struggling with a decision you need to make trust that God will guide you through it. If you have made a decision, don't look backwards and think I could have done this or that, just move forward knowing that God will guide you and guard you.
Home with the One who guides and guards us.
Daves Highway - Jesus Messiah
Week 472
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Making Decisions
One of the hardest things for me, is making a decisions. It seems a lot of times when presented with options, I do my very best to trust that the Lord will lead me to an answer. However, many times after making a decision I back track and wonder if that was the right thing or not. In tonight's verse we come to Proverbs 3:5-6:
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord.
This has been a verse a cited a lot before in the past. When I was younger I recall a time I had to make a decision to help someone who I thought was doing something that was questionable. When I was deciding what to do, I turned to my mom, who didn't always have the answers but would pray for me and direct me. I won't forget that time because mom directed me to a Pastor who I spoke with to get some answers. I always trust that God will guard me through every situation as best as I can, but it's the surrendering that makes things better.
It's not easy to simply trust God, it takes exercising that faith in Him, that He will see you through every decision you make. Today if you are struggling with a decision you need to make trust that God will guide you through it. If you have made a decision, don't look backwards and think I could have done this or that, just move forward knowing that God will guide you and guard you.
Home with the One who guides and guards us.
Daves Highway - Jesus Messiah
February 15, 2023
Week 473
Exodus 14:13-14
13 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Learning To Be Still
Recently, I decided to make moves that would put me in a better position than I am in now. With that this year I started to look for new opportunities and have even imposed a deadline on myself of when I would like that deadline to be met. In my mind, this is the right thing to do. In tonight's verse, we come to one of my favorite passages from Exodus 14:13-14, where the people of Israel approached a "roadblock" which is the Red Sea:
13 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Imagine for a moment you were hiking in the woods and you came to a massive crevice in your path that you can only cross by way of a bridge, how would you feel? Sometimes in life, we can come to those seemingly impossible situations, we make moves, and we do things but along the way, we get stopped by some seemingly insurmountable task. When I was growing up with mom we encountered many of these seemingly impossible situations, God made a way through all of them, to even now where I stand knowing that those things in the past only made me stronger (us). It's the same thing in life whether it be literal or figurative roadblocks we as Christians need to "learn to be still".
Learning to be still does not mean we do nothing, learning to be still means to trust God in those situations and the worries of life can seem less. The Israelites in that moment of encountering the Red Sea through Moses trusted God and cross the Red Sea on dry ground, trusting that the waters were not going to suddenly collapse on them and drown them. In life we make moves, look for new opportunities as I mentioned above, financial moves, purchases, relationships, family, etc. but we are to trust God in those situations we are "still" meaning we trust God will get us through because our trust is not in what we will do but what God will do. For our stillness is not in ourselves but in God. If we make moves in life that don't work out, trust God, and if we make moves that do work out, trust God. The important part is that we make the moves we need, but more importantly, we trust God that if something works it's His will, and if it doesn't work it's His will.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One our stillness resides in.
Crowder, Dante Bowe - God Really Loves Us ft. Maverick City Music
Week 473
Exodus 14:13-14
13 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Learning To Be Still
Recently, I decided to make moves that would put me in a better position than I am in now. With that this year I started to look for new opportunities and have even imposed a deadline on myself of when I would like that deadline to be met. In my mind, this is the right thing to do. In tonight's verse, we come to one of my favorite passages from Exodus 14:13-14, where the people of Israel approached a "roadblock" which is the Red Sea:
13 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Imagine for a moment you were hiking in the woods and you came to a massive crevice in your path that you can only cross by way of a bridge, how would you feel? Sometimes in life, we can come to those seemingly impossible situations, we make moves, and we do things but along the way, we get stopped by some seemingly insurmountable task. When I was growing up with mom we encountered many of these seemingly impossible situations, God made a way through all of them, to even now where I stand knowing that those things in the past only made me stronger (us). It's the same thing in life whether it be literal or figurative roadblocks we as Christians need to "learn to be still".
Learning to be still does not mean we do nothing, learning to be still means to trust God in those situations and the worries of life can seem less. The Israelites in that moment of encountering the Red Sea through Moses trusted God and cross the Red Sea on dry ground, trusting that the waters were not going to suddenly collapse on them and drown them. In life we make moves, look for new opportunities as I mentioned above, financial moves, purchases, relationships, family, etc. but we are to trust God in those situations we are "still" meaning we trust God will get us through because our trust is not in what we will do but what God will do. For our stillness is not in ourselves but in God. If we make moves in life that don't work out, trust God, and if we make moves that do work out, trust God. The important part is that we make the moves we need, but more importantly, we trust God that if something works it's His will, and if it doesn't work it's His will.
Love you mom and I love you, Lord.
Home with the One our stillness resides in.
Crowder, Dante Bowe - God Really Loves Us ft. Maverick City Music