Weekly Verse and Song for Tonight Weeks 250 - 258
November 7, 2018
Week 250
Joshua 7:20
And Achan answered Joshua, “Truly I have sinned against the LORD God of Israel, and this is what I did:
Many times I face it, and others do as well, we all seem as Christians to fail the Lord. This failure can be in our thinking, and or actions. In tonight's verse God told the nation of Israel not to take any of the plunder with them, however Achan a soldier of Joshua disobeyed and took some of it and hid it in the ground in his tent. His actions caused problems for all of Israel, and more importantly it was a sin against God. When it was revealed to Joshua why Israel was now suffering by God, he asked Achan, and Achan confessed.
When I think of some the sins I committed it feels awful, but as believers we must recognize them, confess them, and seek God's forgiveness.
The consequence of Achan's actions resulted in him and his family being put to death. This is a look into us, how much our Heavenly Father despises sin, and what it does to His people. Today because of the cross of Christ, because Jesus paid the price for our sins, we are no longer under this condemnation, as God when He sees us, He sees the substitute for our trespasses, His son Jesus Christ who bore our sins and died in our place, but rose again.
From and early age, my mom always taught me about Jesus, and that our sins are forgiven because of Jesus. However, mom also taught me that there are consequences to our sins.
Although our sins will not result in the same consequences as Achan it is important to know that our sins, have consequences here and eternally. We must always strive to walk with Christ, and know that we are forgiven when we confess it with our hearts.
Love you mom, and Love you Lord.
Home with our Savior
Song: Jeremy Camp-Take You Back with Lyrics
Week 250
Joshua 7:20
And Achan answered Joshua, “Truly I have sinned against the LORD God of Israel, and this is what I did:
Many times I face it, and others do as well, we all seem as Christians to fail the Lord. This failure can be in our thinking, and or actions. In tonight's verse God told the nation of Israel not to take any of the plunder with them, however Achan a soldier of Joshua disobeyed and took some of it and hid it in the ground in his tent. His actions caused problems for all of Israel, and more importantly it was a sin against God. When it was revealed to Joshua why Israel was now suffering by God, he asked Achan, and Achan confessed.
When I think of some the sins I committed it feels awful, but as believers we must recognize them, confess them, and seek God's forgiveness.
The consequence of Achan's actions resulted in him and his family being put to death. This is a look into us, how much our Heavenly Father despises sin, and what it does to His people. Today because of the cross of Christ, because Jesus paid the price for our sins, we are no longer under this condemnation, as God when He sees us, He sees the substitute for our trespasses, His son Jesus Christ who bore our sins and died in our place, but rose again.
From and early age, my mom always taught me about Jesus, and that our sins are forgiven because of Jesus. However, mom also taught me that there are consequences to our sins.
Although our sins will not result in the same consequences as Achan it is important to know that our sins, have consequences here and eternally. We must always strive to walk with Christ, and know that we are forgiven when we confess it with our hearts.
Love you mom, and Love you Lord.
Home with our Savior
Song: Jeremy Camp-Take You Back with Lyrics
,Week 251
November 14, 2018
1 Samuel 15:22
But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.
A lot of times I find myself constantly feeling guilty, over not simply thanking God for things, that I often pray quick prayers. This past week in my Bible study time, I read this passage from 1 Samuel in regards to obeying God. Samuel the prophet told Saul that God requires obedience more than sacrifice, when Saul decided because of fear of his people to not destroy the plunder including the Amalakites' king Agag. Saul instead offered all of it to God as a sacrifice. However, the major issue here is that God told Saul through Samuel to destroy everything and Saul did not obey.
I think my misunderstanding of feeling guilty comes from an innate desire to please God. Sometimes when I pray over food for example, it may be a quick prayer and then I eat, but if I feel like I didn't pray intentionally I may repeat it over. This type of behavior I now feel is not from God. It is so important to honor God in all things, just as my mom taught us to pray before we eat, before and after we sleep for the night. It is however more important to live our lives obeying God. One may pray over their food for example and then the next day steal.
So I'm not writing this to say that we shouldn't pray over things, but to do so in a manner to please God requires us to first have a spirit of obedience, then things such as praying and thank God for the meal, one wouldn't feel guilty, it is out of first obeying the Lord that will bring us to a place where we are honoring Him, always because our lives are about honoring Him.
I see this now, and the strive of my life will be to continuously grow and honor Him.
Love you mom, and love you Lord.
Home with the One we live for.
Song: Walk By Faith by Jeremy Camp with lyrics
November 14, 2018
1 Samuel 15:22
But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.
A lot of times I find myself constantly feeling guilty, over not simply thanking God for things, that I often pray quick prayers. This past week in my Bible study time, I read this passage from 1 Samuel in regards to obeying God. Samuel the prophet told Saul that God requires obedience more than sacrifice, when Saul decided because of fear of his people to not destroy the plunder including the Amalakites' king Agag. Saul instead offered all of it to God as a sacrifice. However, the major issue here is that God told Saul through Samuel to destroy everything and Saul did not obey.
I think my misunderstanding of feeling guilty comes from an innate desire to please God. Sometimes when I pray over food for example, it may be a quick prayer and then I eat, but if I feel like I didn't pray intentionally I may repeat it over. This type of behavior I now feel is not from God. It is so important to honor God in all things, just as my mom taught us to pray before we eat, before and after we sleep for the night. It is however more important to live our lives obeying God. One may pray over their food for example and then the next day steal.
So I'm not writing this to say that we shouldn't pray over things, but to do so in a manner to please God requires us to first have a spirit of obedience, then things such as praying and thank God for the meal, one wouldn't feel guilty, it is out of first obeying the Lord that will bring us to a place where we are honoring Him, always because our lives are about honoring Him.
I see this now, and the strive of my life will be to continuously grow and honor Him.
Love you mom, and love you Lord.
Home with the One we live for.
Song: Walk By Faith by Jeremy Camp with lyrics
Week 252
November 21, 2018
James 1:27
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Today is a special day, for me it's my birthday. In the past I recall many times how my mom would make my birthday special, whether I was a kid or an adult mom would always try to do something for me. There's a special Indian dish called Biryani and mom would make them for me every year as far as I can remember and I enjoyed it. As I wrote in the beginning of this paragraph it is a special day for me, however, what I have realized over the last few years since my mom has left this life, is that I don't really want anything done for me special any longer. Where the Lord has me now is on a different journey, where I just want to honor God in all I do.
Tonight's verse is a verse for me that is very powerful it reveals something that I try to put into practice and that is to be kind to others, no matter what the world throws at me. I think this is true for many Christians, but also very difficult for many including myself. As such this is something I realize daily, which is living for Christ, and letting your life shine onto others.
In a greater sense it's realizing that the greatest "something special" has been done for me, Christ coming to this earth and dying in my place. Now it's what I do for others, by living a life for Christ so that others see Him through me, then ultimately they may know, or further know what Christ has done "specially" for them.
This is a task (though it's not always easy) for not only myself but for all Christians. As in Matthew 28 the sermon known as The Great Commission, Jesus instructed His followers, to "...go out into world and make disciples of all nations..." sometimes this is through speaking, however many times it's by the way we live and love for Him.
Love you mom, Love you Lord.
Song: "I Have Decided | Live | Elevation Worship"
November 21, 2018
James 1:27
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Today is a special day, for me it's my birthday. In the past I recall many times how my mom would make my birthday special, whether I was a kid or an adult mom would always try to do something for me. There's a special Indian dish called Biryani and mom would make them for me every year as far as I can remember and I enjoyed it. As I wrote in the beginning of this paragraph it is a special day for me, however, what I have realized over the last few years since my mom has left this life, is that I don't really want anything done for me special any longer. Where the Lord has me now is on a different journey, where I just want to honor God in all I do.
Tonight's verse is a verse for me that is very powerful it reveals something that I try to put into practice and that is to be kind to others, no matter what the world throws at me. I think this is true for many Christians, but also very difficult for many including myself. As such this is something I realize daily, which is living for Christ, and letting your life shine onto others.
In a greater sense it's realizing that the greatest "something special" has been done for me, Christ coming to this earth and dying in my place. Now it's what I do for others, by living a life for Christ so that others see Him through me, then ultimately they may know, or further know what Christ has done "specially" for them.
This is a task (though it's not always easy) for not only myself but for all Christians. As in Matthew 28 the sermon known as The Great Commission, Jesus instructed His followers, to "...go out into world and make disciples of all nations..." sometimes this is through speaking, however many times it's by the way we live and love for Him.
Love you mom, Love you Lord.
Song: "I Have Decided | Live | Elevation Worship"
Week 253
November 28, 2018
Psalm 43:5
Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
Praising God even when you are going through things is a practice that one should put into action always, but especially in the storms of life. Tonight's verse comes from Psalms where the writer asks himself a question "Why, my soul are you downcast?"
I remember as an adult when I was going through some difficult years, I would talk to mom and mom would always say two things:
1. Pray to God
2. I am praying for you
The life we live here on Earth are so full of bumps, that we even as Christians, may take our eyes off the Creator. However the Psalmist reminds us that we must praise God in the storms, He is our Savior and God.
Knowing these truths should be enough to have anyone realize that their storm is big to them but they serve a bigger God. However, as it is demonstrated in the verse knowing this is great but saying it, repeating it will remind you who your hope is in. The verse ends with "Put your hope in God." It's an awesome truth to repeat especially in the storm to know that my hope is not in the storm, but the one who is bigger than the storm.
Love you mom, and I love you Jesus.
Home with my God.
Song: Casting Crowns-"Praise You In This Storm" (live)
November 28, 2018
Psalm 43:5
Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
Praising God even when you are going through things is a practice that one should put into action always, but especially in the storms of life. Tonight's verse comes from Psalms where the writer asks himself a question "Why, my soul are you downcast?"
I remember as an adult when I was going through some difficult years, I would talk to mom and mom would always say two things:
1. Pray to God
2. I am praying for you
The life we live here on Earth are so full of bumps, that we even as Christians, may take our eyes off the Creator. However the Psalmist reminds us that we must praise God in the storms, He is our Savior and God.
Knowing these truths should be enough to have anyone realize that their storm is big to them but they serve a bigger God. However, as it is demonstrated in the verse knowing this is great but saying it, repeating it will remind you who your hope is in. The verse ends with "Put your hope in God." It's an awesome truth to repeat especially in the storm to know that my hope is not in the storm, but the one who is bigger than the storm.
Love you mom, and I love you Jesus.
Home with my God.
Song: Casting Crowns-"Praise You In This Storm" (live)
December 5, 2018
Week 254
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our LORD.
It seems like it's every week we hear of someone passing away. I'm a big pro wrestling fan, today something very interesting happened. One of my favorite wrestlers Tom Billington "Dynamite Kid" passed away.
When I hear of these types of news in general of people passing one of my first thoughts is did they know the Lord. When my mom passed away I was flooded with so much emotion, from anger, to sadness, to confusion, to name a few. However I never questioned where my mom was. I knew mom loved Jesus, and accepted Him as mom's Lord and Savior.
It's sad to a degree when someone passes from this life, but the truth is if they knew Christ and accepted Him as their lord and savior it is sad for us, not for them.
I don't know whether Tom Billington was a Christian or not, I adhere to what scriptures teach about knowing Christ. With that said "this" side of Heaven we only know so much in a person's last moment of their life, it is possible for a person to accept Christ. Jesus accepted the thief on the cross right before he passed (Luke 23:43).
Love you mom and I love you Lord.
Home with Christ.
Song: Hark The Herald Angels Sing (Carrie Underwood) Cover by Jenny Rigg
Week 254
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our LORD.
It seems like it's every week we hear of someone passing away. I'm a big pro wrestling fan, today something very interesting happened. One of my favorite wrestlers Tom Billington "Dynamite Kid" passed away.
When I hear of these types of news in general of people passing one of my first thoughts is did they know the Lord. When my mom passed away I was flooded with so much emotion, from anger, to sadness, to confusion, to name a few. However I never questioned where my mom was. I knew mom loved Jesus, and accepted Him as mom's Lord and Savior.
It's sad to a degree when someone passes from this life, but the truth is if they knew Christ and accepted Him as their lord and savior it is sad for us, not for them.
I don't know whether Tom Billington was a Christian or not, I adhere to what scriptures teach about knowing Christ. With that said "this" side of Heaven we only know so much in a person's last moment of their life, it is possible for a person to accept Christ. Jesus accepted the thief on the cross right before he passed (Luke 23:43).
Love you mom and I love you Lord.
Home with Christ.
Song: Hark The Herald Angels Sing (Carrie Underwood) Cover by Jenny Rigg
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December 12, 2018
Week 255
Psalm 37:39
The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is their stronghold in time of trouble.
Sometimes when a person feels overwhelmed or distraught, over any circumstances they becomes depressed or sad. I recently started studying "People of the Promise land" which is a year long study at BSF. The biggest thing I have learned so far is how God upholds the one who honors Him. In tonight's verse in Psalms, David who was being pursued by Saul at one point and now is taking care of his loyal men, wrote this Psalm and declares in verse 39 how God is always their stronghold in times of trouble. David was a man who honored God with everything that was in him, though his life wasn't easy.
My mom taught us many things growing up, one thing that mom taught us was that God is watching us, I could still hear my mom's words "God is watching you". As a kid this phrase did strike a balance of reverence and being careful and as an adult now I see it much the same but more so in that I want to honor God in everything I do. That is in work, training, studying, etc. everything. I want to make sure I honor Jesus, much the same as David wrote, I try to be this way because I know who I belong to.
In every situation David faced God delivered him, because David was a person who honored Him. When David was depressed, had a lot of anxiety God took care of David. This truth is for us as well, in all circumstances that cause emotions of being overwhelmed, distraught etc, the right thing to do is to honor God, and let Him do the rest. This is a practice, that one must but into effect, then watch how God takes care of you for His glory and in His time.
Love you mom and I love you LORD.
Home with the one we Honor.
Song: O Come All Ye Faithful - Casting Crowns
Week 255
Psalm 37:39
The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is their stronghold in time of trouble.
Sometimes when a person feels overwhelmed or distraught, over any circumstances they becomes depressed or sad. I recently started studying "People of the Promise land" which is a year long study at BSF. The biggest thing I have learned so far is how God upholds the one who honors Him. In tonight's verse in Psalms, David who was being pursued by Saul at one point and now is taking care of his loyal men, wrote this Psalm and declares in verse 39 how God is always their stronghold in times of trouble. David was a man who honored God with everything that was in him, though his life wasn't easy.
My mom taught us many things growing up, one thing that mom taught us was that God is watching us, I could still hear my mom's words "God is watching you". As a kid this phrase did strike a balance of reverence and being careful and as an adult now I see it much the same but more so in that I want to honor God in everything I do. That is in work, training, studying, etc. everything. I want to make sure I honor Jesus, much the same as David wrote, I try to be this way because I know who I belong to.
In every situation David faced God delivered him, because David was a person who honored Him. When David was depressed, had a lot of anxiety God took care of David. This truth is for us as well, in all circumstances that cause emotions of being overwhelmed, distraught etc, the right thing to do is to honor God, and let Him do the rest. This is a practice, that one must but into effect, then watch how God takes care of you for His glory and in His time.
Love you mom and I love you LORD.
Home with the one we Honor.
Song: O Come All Ye Faithful - Casting Crowns
December 19, 2018
Week 256
Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Many times I get concerned about things, and those things I find that I like to keep them between me and God. The reason is because I think others will just not see why or understand so a lot of times I just pray and let God know. Just recently, I thought about mom in a specific situation, and that was getting appliances replaced, as mom always took care of those sorts of things. Long story short I had to have two appliances replaced and a floor where one of them would go. I ordered the appliances and then noted that the delivery date was out three weeks. I thought I could try and find someone to replace the floor while I wait so I had that done. Now the day the appliances has arrived were they were being delivered and installed I became concern that the floor was going to get destroyed as the delivery persons would trample all over it. This for most may seem like a silly thing to worry about, and I would tend to agree to a point, however I like to do things correctly the first time. I prayed over the situation for the weeks coming, up and even the day and hours. After I prayed I made a conscious effort to trust God.
In tonight's verse we see the writer, pen "Do not be anxious about anything", but to pray about everything. So for this task of having the floors and appliances replaced, I realized that, what I was really praying was over my anxiousness of the situation. I know my mom would always tell me to pray and in that matter, by praying to trust in the one we pray to, our Heavenly Father.
Praying and trusting even in things that for you and I that might seem small, is very essential and very important. It is very important because as we continue to walk with Christ, as a result of this trust our faith will grow in the bigger things and this is essential.
Love you mom and I love you Lord
Home with the one we Trust.
Song: Chris Tomlin: Angels We Have Heard On High w/lyrics
Week 256
Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Many times I get concerned about things, and those things I find that I like to keep them between me and God. The reason is because I think others will just not see why or understand so a lot of times I just pray and let God know. Just recently, I thought about mom in a specific situation, and that was getting appliances replaced, as mom always took care of those sorts of things. Long story short I had to have two appliances replaced and a floor where one of them would go. I ordered the appliances and then noted that the delivery date was out three weeks. I thought I could try and find someone to replace the floor while I wait so I had that done. Now the day the appliances has arrived were they were being delivered and installed I became concern that the floor was going to get destroyed as the delivery persons would trample all over it. This for most may seem like a silly thing to worry about, and I would tend to agree to a point, however I like to do things correctly the first time. I prayed over the situation for the weeks coming, up and even the day and hours. After I prayed I made a conscious effort to trust God.
In tonight's verse we see the writer, pen "Do not be anxious about anything", but to pray about everything. So for this task of having the floors and appliances replaced, I realized that, what I was really praying was over my anxiousness of the situation. I know my mom would always tell me to pray and in that matter, by praying to trust in the one we pray to, our Heavenly Father.
Praying and trusting even in things that for you and I that might seem small, is very essential and very important. It is very important because as we continue to walk with Christ, as a result of this trust our faith will grow in the bigger things and this is essential.
Love you mom and I love you Lord
Home with the one we Trust.
Song: Chris Tomlin: Angels We Have Heard On High w/lyrics
December 26, 2018
Week 257
Isaiah 40:29-31
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
This is the last Wednesday of 2018, it's been a year of good and not so good things with all these things our hope should always be in the Lord. Tonight's verse comes from the pages of Isaiah, where here in the chapter Isaiah is giving encouragement to God's people telling them that all fall, no one is without exception, however those who put their hope in Jesus, in God the Father, in the Holy Spirit, shall have their strength renewed.
When I think about my mom I remember many things one thing that is called out to me in my mind now is that mom raised us, and as life carried on mom's youth, caught up to mom, and mom started having ailments. I remember one day mom tried opening the door, but mom couldn't turn the door knob, and later this was attributed to arthritis. All these things seem so out of the ordinary for me, however, though mom's health in later years was failing, mom had this peace. This peace was from God, mom's earthly strength was not renewed, but since mom's hope was in Him, not the world, a peace was over my mom.
The truth is, the verses are not necessarily talking about a cure from ailments , though this may happen, it is more of strength to carry on this in this life, and in the life to come, as long as our hope is in Christ, we will never truly be weak.
Happy New Year!
Love you Mom, and I love you Lord.
Home with Jesus a New.
Song: 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) - Matt Redman (Best Worship Song Ever) (with Lyrics)
Week 257
Isaiah 40:29-31
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
This is the last Wednesday of 2018, it's been a year of good and not so good things with all these things our hope should always be in the Lord. Tonight's verse comes from the pages of Isaiah, where here in the chapter Isaiah is giving encouragement to God's people telling them that all fall, no one is without exception, however those who put their hope in Jesus, in God the Father, in the Holy Spirit, shall have their strength renewed.
When I think about my mom I remember many things one thing that is called out to me in my mind now is that mom raised us, and as life carried on mom's youth, caught up to mom, and mom started having ailments. I remember one day mom tried opening the door, but mom couldn't turn the door knob, and later this was attributed to arthritis. All these things seem so out of the ordinary for me, however, though mom's health in later years was failing, mom had this peace. This peace was from God, mom's earthly strength was not renewed, but since mom's hope was in Him, not the world, a peace was over my mom.
The truth is, the verses are not necessarily talking about a cure from ailments , though this may happen, it is more of strength to carry on this in this life, and in the life to come, as long as our hope is in Christ, we will never truly be weak.
Happy New Year!
Love you Mom, and I love you Lord.
Home with Jesus a New.
Song: 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) - Matt Redman (Best Worship Song Ever) (with Lyrics)
January 02, 2019
Week 258
Romans 12:11
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the LORD.
One of the things that seems to be so true during the start of a New Year is people make resolutions to do various things, like starting a new job, working out more, reading more, etc. While all those things are good, there is one that should always be resolved in a believers mind. This resolution should be to "serve and honor" the Lord. In tonight's verse we see Paul addressing the Romans to keep their "spiritual ferver" by serving the Lord. All throughout scripture we see this being a powerful theme.
I know mom always taught me to pray, read my Bible and by this honoring God and knowing Him more. Growing older now I know that it is important to show people that you serve and honor God everyday in how you treat them, this for one is a big thing. I always try to remember that how I am to others shows who I serve. However, all this can be achieved by first knowing who you serve, which comes from reading God's word daily.
Today and everyday starting now it is a great time to commit to knowing God more by reading and studying His word.
Love you Mom, Love you LORD.
Home with the One Whom I Serve.
Song: Christ Is Enough - Hillsong Worship
Week 258
Romans 12:11
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the LORD.
One of the things that seems to be so true during the start of a New Year is people make resolutions to do various things, like starting a new job, working out more, reading more, etc. While all those things are good, there is one that should always be resolved in a believers mind. This resolution should be to "serve and honor" the Lord. In tonight's verse we see Paul addressing the Romans to keep their "spiritual ferver" by serving the Lord. All throughout scripture we see this being a powerful theme.
I know mom always taught me to pray, read my Bible and by this honoring God and knowing Him more. Growing older now I know that it is important to show people that you serve and honor God everyday in how you treat them, this for one is a big thing. I always try to remember that how I am to others shows who I serve. However, all this can be achieved by first knowing who you serve, which comes from reading God's word daily.
Today and everyday starting now it is a great time to commit to knowing God more by reading and studying His word.
Love you Mom, Love you LORD.
Home with the One Whom I Serve.
Song: Christ Is Enough - Hillsong Worship