Not a Fan Week 6 - Decision Time
What stood out to you from Lesson 6?
Love. Eric Nelson told separates us.
Natalie: I want to come back
Eric: No
Natalie: Look I won't complain anymore.
Eric: It's not about that. I get frustrated and complain sometimes too.
Natalie: Well then why can't I come back?
Eric: Why do you want to come back?
Natalie: Because this is what we are suppose to do right? I mean we decide that we want to follow Jesus, we sell all of our stuff, we quit our good jobs, we sell our homes, I mean it stinks but we suck it up and we do it anyway right? I mean this is what we are suppose to do isn't it?
Eric: That's what I'm suppose to do.
Natalie: I don't want people to say I'm fake.
Eric: Nat! Its not how much we give it's not how much we do, you know what separates the real from the fakes? Love.
Love. Eric Nelson told separates us.
Natalie: I want to come back
Eric: No
Natalie: Look I won't complain anymore.
Eric: It's not about that. I get frustrated and complain sometimes too.
Natalie: Well then why can't I come back?
Eric: Why do you want to come back?
Natalie: Because this is what we are suppose to do right? I mean we decide that we want to follow Jesus, we sell all of our stuff, we quit our good jobs, we sell our homes, I mean it stinks but we suck it up and we do it anyway right? I mean this is what we are suppose to do isn't it?
Eric: That's what I'm suppose to do.
Natalie: I don't want people to say I'm fake.
Eric: Nat! Its not how much we give it's not how much we do, you know what separates the real from the fakes? Love.

Week 6 Day 1 2/17/14
"I wish I could come over to your house and knock on your door. Hopefully I could talk you into letting me come in and sit down for a few minutes. And I would want to sit across the kitchen table from you and look you in the eye and ask you this question...
"Have you decided to follow Jesus?" -Kyle, NAF Study
Rather than Kyle knocking on your door, imagine answering the bell, and it is Jesus Himself. He asks to come in. You offer him coffee or tea. He accepts. You sit down together, and He looks you in the eye, and asks in a voice full of compassion as well as authority: "Have you decided to follow me?"
-I would say humbly yes Lord. At the same time I would say Lord I am looking to follow you even more, even more and more as the year's go on. I would like to be able to work in a such a way that I have more time to devote to helping people.
Why do we have o follow "noon Reminder" in this journal? Because our decision to follow is not just daily; it it hourly; it is over and over and over.
Ask yourself, " Can i accept the fact that my decision to follow Jesus must be made time and time again, and for the rest of my life?" Write your thoughts below.
Yes I can. My decision is a choice riddled with daily living, which affects how you see life. Sometimes the worries of life and the stresses and strains really hurt a person's walk. Taking a minute to seek Him is most important.
Remember the opening challenge of the series described in three letter: "DTR"? The initials stand for Define the Relationship. Maybe the question is now, "How have you redefined the relationship over the last several weeks?" Try to describe your redefined relationship with Jesus as it now stands using the questions below.
How do you define the relationship now?
Honestly I am going to say that I have increased in my closeness but its through the journaling that reminds me to continously keep my eyes focused on Christ.
What is good about it?
-My mind keeps going back to the lessons and trying to remember that I need to think of Jesus daily...hourly, minute by minute, second by second.
What still needs work?
-I see this as a daily task...a task that involves conscious effort to walk with the Lord despite the way life gets
How would Jesus define your relationship?
-I would say Jesus would say he is growing, closer, and closer.
A relationship is not like a rock - never changing, always the same, A relationship is more like a stream, always flowing, never quite identical moment to moment, either deepening or growing more shallow, widening or narrowing, if only little by little.
As you enter sleep imagine your relationship with Jesus widening and deepening, and always changing for the rest of your life and into eternity.
Week 6 Day 2 2/17/14
"I was travelling down the I-75, fully convinced that I'm on the I-71, because the roads feel very much the same. Now in hindsight, I should have seen some signs. I'm sure there were somevery clear markers that I was on the wrong road. But, I was sure of myself, I never allowed for the possibility that I was going in the wrong direction." -Kyle, NAF Study
Does your mind even allow for the possibility that you might not be a follower of Jesus?
-Yes it does. It's that I do follow, I know I do but my question is am I loving enough?
I can't face the idea that I might not be a fully devoted follower of Jesus because...
-I can face this fact, because I need to know and see where I can improve.
I am fully willing to consider the fact that I might not be a true follower of Jesus because....
-I need to improve
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:13-14)
Read the passage three times. Underline the phrase that stand out to you most. Write why this phrase stands out.
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:13-14)
I chose the phrase because it points to that not everyone walks through it.
Kyle missed the signs that he on I-75 rather than I-71. What are each of these "signs" below saying about you, and whether or not you are a follower of Jesus?
Your conscience:
-I tend to avoid doing the wrong thing most of the time. I feel it reveals I am a follower because I step away from "wordly" things
Your friends.
-I tend to cling to Christian friends. However at the same time I tend to cling to my non-Christian friends in order to help bring them to Christ
Your family
-I tend to want to bring my family to know Christ
Your Mentor.
-I have a career mentor - one who I try to talk about Christ to
-I have a Christian mentor
Your lifestyle.
-I tend to work hard and do my best to live a life pleasing to God, I need to improve my relationship to Him in my quiet and a lone times.
Holy Spirit
-I pay close attention to the things that are from God and the ones that are not.
"I'm just asking: what if many of us are travelling down what we think is the narrow road that leads to life, be we are actually on the broad road that leads to destruction? What if we have hit the cruise control and are travelling through life singing along to Christian Radio with a Jesus fish bumper, completely unaware that we are headed to destruction? Im not trying to make you paranoid or fearful. I believe that nothing can separate us from the love of God and confidence is in Him who can keep me from falling. But clearly the Bible teaches that there are those wo have false assurance of salvation.
So what if one day Jesus returns, and all kinds of good church-going folks find out that ,right road? I'm just asking, is it possible that you think you are a follower, but you're really just a fan in the end, they were never on the right road? I'm just asking,ink you are a follower, but you're really are just a fan.? Idont want to make people to unndecessarily question where they will spend eternity, but how can you read Matthew 7:13-14 without raising the question?"
As you read the above paragraph, was your heart a at peace or troubled?
-I would say I was in between
Week 6 Day 3 2/18/14
"Not everyoine who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you. Away from me you evildoers!'" (Matthew 7:21-23)
"Jesus doesn't say this happen to a few. He doesn't say some. He says many." -Kyle, NAF Study
Kyle asks two big questions in the episode. Try to answer for yourself.
Have I determined that I am a follower because I say I am a follower rather than because I act like a follower?
-I have determined I am a follower because I love. I think of people and love them for who they are despite their differences. I think as I grow more and more with Christ this becomes apparent.
Have I determined I am a follower based on religious measurements rather than loving deeds?
-I have determined because of loving deeds. As Eric Nelson said: " know separates the real from the fakes? Love."
I believe I am a follower of Jesus because...
-I love those
Today could you be called an "evildoer"?
Why or why not?
-I would say Im not sure. I feel like Paul a lot. Romans 7:24 English Standard Version (ESV), 24 Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?
Has answering today's tough questions drawn you to closer to Jesus or led you further away?Use today's final moments trying to discern why.
Week 6 Day 4 2/19/14
Eric: "You dont need to be here. Go Home"
Natalie: "Why? because I don't know her name?"
Eric: "Because you don't want to."
Whose names don't you want to know? Think of the people in your life. Which person's name don't you care about? Make a list, even if it must be by description in the cases where you really don't know the person's name.
-No one
What similarities do you see in these people that would them to be people whose name you don't want to know?
-No one
Whose names have you wanted, and not wanted to know, inyour interactions so far today? Make two lists, then describe why.
Wanted Not Wanted
Are your follower of Jesus based on this paragraph?
"One of the clues you may be more than a fan than follower is that when I asked ' "Are you a follower' your mind immediately went to the fact that you come to Church, put some money in the plate, volunteer from time to time. Let me just ask you a really blunt question: do you think God needs your help?
"Do you think you're earning His gratitude by ticking off a list of religious busywork?No, I am not saying that attending church or giving money or reading your Bible are bad things to do. But think for a second. Why would those things matter to God? I believe they only matter to God as an expression of your closeness to Him. He doesn't need your help, you aren't going to impress Him, but He does long for you to be close to Him, for you to know Him intimately. And really, that's the question, isn't it? Do you know Jesus? Does He know you? That's what it comes down to. Does He have your heart? Is He your everything? Do you invest more in your relationship with Him than any other relationship? I think we sometimes confuse knowing about Jesus with knowing Jesus. But there is a difference between knowledge and initmacy." -Kyle, NAF Study
Ask Jesus what matters to Him as you complete your day.
Week 6 Day 5 2/20/14
Natalie: Because this is what we are suppose to do right? I mean we decide that we want to follow Jesus, we sell all of our stuff, we quit our good jobs, we sell our homes, I mean it stinks but we suck it up and we do it anyway right? I mean this is what we are suppose to do isn't it?
Eric: That's what I'm suppose to do.
Natalie: I don't want people to say I'm fake.
Eric: Nat! Its not how much we give it's not how much we do, you know what separates the real from the fakes? Love.
Think about this question carefully:
When do you love others the best?
_When I focus on trying to manufacture unconditional love for others.
X When I focus on receiving the unconditional love of Jesus for me.
What do you learn from your answer?
-I learn that when I focus on Jesus and what He has done for me that I am in a better position to love others, because when I think that I can't forgive others I think of Christ's love and forgiveness for me.
To follow Jesus is to love. Imagine Jesus encountering those you will likely encounter today. Envision how He would look at them, what He tdwould see, how He would act toward them.
-I am about to leave to visit another person in company for the first time. Nervous about the interaction but will act like our Savior in that I will simply display love.
Would you say you have been a poser today or the real deal? Journal your response.
I would say that I am in between. Hard to say I am the real deal. I know life gets tough and hard I was upset with God when Mom went home to be with Jesus. At the same time I try to share with family and friends the truth of scripture.
Consider the question: Is Jesus a poser? Does he just pretend to love people or does He really love them? What does your answer mean to you?
I would definitely say Yes no doubt in my mind that Jesus loves people. It means to me that I should do the same.
Week 6 Day 6 2/21/14
"Jesus is not impressed because your name is on your bumper sticker, or because you have Christian music on your ipod, or because you never miss a weekend at church, or give to all the right causes. And those things are all good, but they are only good to the extent that they are done out of love for Him. Jesus says that He wants us to love Him with all out heart and sould and mind and strength. And then He says, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' It is love that reveals us to be real followers of Jesus Christ...Jesus want you to love Him enough to take up your cross. SO for you, which is it? What road have you chosen? Fan, or Follower? It all comes down to love."
-Kyle, NAF Study
Imagine yourself putting love at the top of your to-do list today. Imagine yourself encouraging the various people you will likely see, and overflowing with love, concern, care. Jot some notes on what it would be like, how it would be different from other days.
-Just being friendly to those around to not worry if we get off track from the conversations and to be aware of whatever they are going through and not going through.
Who is the best lover you have encountered? Your grandmother? Your spouse? A college friend? Describe that person below.
-My Mom! My mom is in Heaven with Christ. Mom is so kind and gentle even when I would get upset with mom, mom had a sense of peace and understanding, and a love for Christ. The love my mom has for Christ was apparent on the way mom love her kids, family, and friends. Love you mom.
Imagine someone you know answering the question from today's noon reminder with your name. What would you want them to write? How would you like another to describe you?
-I would want someone to say "Victor always shows that he cares for me, or for us because his mom taught him to follow Jesus"
Close your day by praying prayers of love for those you care about.
DAY 7 2/22/14
"Lord, please help me. Because I know that without You, I can do nothing. And I know that without love I am nothing. Without love, it doesn't matter what I say. It doesn't matter how much faith I have. It doesn't matter how much I give. The only way I can be anything is I am Yours and the only way people will know that I am Yours is if I love. That was my father. It still is." -Natalie reading from her dad's journal, NAF Study
Imagine someone finding and reading this journal of yours. How would you feel about it?
-I would feel good about this. I have nothing but for people to know Christ, and if it's through this journal, then I am for it. I want people to know the truth.
If your focus on "self" you might be embarrassed or possibly proud. If your focus was on Jesus, how would you feel?
-In everything I do I try to give honor and glory to Christ.
Who comes to mind from your study group? Write a prayer for him or her.
-In the end in general people who don't know the truth, Today I got into a debate with someone who believes differently about Christ. I truly would look at myself and pray that I show love even to those who upset me in their offense for Christ.
Pure and undefiled religion is to look after orphans and widows and to remain unstain by the world.
What kinds of things do you wish you had written in this journal?
I wish I showed, more love to people that I could write more about here. However I am continuing this, as oneday I want people to know Christ, by the way I love.
This is your last entry in the Not a Fan Follower's Journal.
What practices do you see yourself including in your life in order to best continue to build your relationship with Jesus as His follower?
I simply want show Christ's love.
James 1:27 (ESV)
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Try softly singing or humming these words as you enter sleep:
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
No turning back, no turning back.
My last note/thought:
-"Jesus is not impressed because His name is on your bumper sticker, or because you listen to Christian music on your ipod, or because you give to all the right causes. Those things are all good, but they are only good if they are done out of love for Him. Jesus says He wants us to love Him with all of our mind, soul and strength. Then He says to love your neighbor as yourself. It is love that reveals us to be real followers of Jesus Christ. Jesus says all men will know you are my followers if you love others. He wants you to love your neighbor enough to lay down your life for Him. He wants you to take up your cross. SO for you which road have you chosen, fan or follower? It all comes down to LOVE." Pastor Kyle Idleman, Not a Fan DVD.
LOVE people to show them Christ.
John 13:35 (ESV)
"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
"I wish I could come over to your house and knock on your door. Hopefully I could talk you into letting me come in and sit down for a few minutes. And I would want to sit across the kitchen table from you and look you in the eye and ask you this question...
"Have you decided to follow Jesus?" -Kyle, NAF Study
Rather than Kyle knocking on your door, imagine answering the bell, and it is Jesus Himself. He asks to come in. You offer him coffee or tea. He accepts. You sit down together, and He looks you in the eye, and asks in a voice full of compassion as well as authority: "Have you decided to follow me?"
-I would say humbly yes Lord. At the same time I would say Lord I am looking to follow you even more, even more and more as the year's go on. I would like to be able to work in a such a way that I have more time to devote to helping people.
Why do we have o follow "noon Reminder" in this journal? Because our decision to follow is not just daily; it it hourly; it is over and over and over.
Ask yourself, " Can i accept the fact that my decision to follow Jesus must be made time and time again, and for the rest of my life?" Write your thoughts below.
Yes I can. My decision is a choice riddled with daily living, which affects how you see life. Sometimes the worries of life and the stresses and strains really hurt a person's walk. Taking a minute to seek Him is most important.
Remember the opening challenge of the series described in three letter: "DTR"? The initials stand for Define the Relationship. Maybe the question is now, "How have you redefined the relationship over the last several weeks?" Try to describe your redefined relationship with Jesus as it now stands using the questions below.
How do you define the relationship now?
Honestly I am going to say that I have increased in my closeness but its through the journaling that reminds me to continously keep my eyes focused on Christ.
What is good about it?
-My mind keeps going back to the lessons and trying to remember that I need to think of Jesus daily...hourly, minute by minute, second by second.
What still needs work?
-I see this as a daily task...a task that involves conscious effort to walk with the Lord despite the way life gets
How would Jesus define your relationship?
-I would say Jesus would say he is growing, closer, and closer.
A relationship is not like a rock - never changing, always the same, A relationship is more like a stream, always flowing, never quite identical moment to moment, either deepening or growing more shallow, widening or narrowing, if only little by little.
As you enter sleep imagine your relationship with Jesus widening and deepening, and always changing for the rest of your life and into eternity.
Week 6 Day 2 2/17/14
"I was travelling down the I-75, fully convinced that I'm on the I-71, because the roads feel very much the same. Now in hindsight, I should have seen some signs. I'm sure there were somevery clear markers that I was on the wrong road. But, I was sure of myself, I never allowed for the possibility that I was going in the wrong direction." -Kyle, NAF Study
Does your mind even allow for the possibility that you might not be a follower of Jesus?
-Yes it does. It's that I do follow, I know I do but my question is am I loving enough?
I can't face the idea that I might not be a fully devoted follower of Jesus because...
-I can face this fact, because I need to know and see where I can improve.
I am fully willing to consider the fact that I might not be a true follower of Jesus because....
-I need to improve
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:13-14)
Read the passage three times. Underline the phrase that stand out to you most. Write why this phrase stands out.
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:13-14)
I chose the phrase because it points to that not everyone walks through it.
Kyle missed the signs that he on I-75 rather than I-71. What are each of these "signs" below saying about you, and whether or not you are a follower of Jesus?
Your conscience:
-I tend to avoid doing the wrong thing most of the time. I feel it reveals I am a follower because I step away from "wordly" things
Your friends.
-I tend to cling to Christian friends. However at the same time I tend to cling to my non-Christian friends in order to help bring them to Christ
Your family
-I tend to want to bring my family to know Christ
Your Mentor.
-I have a career mentor - one who I try to talk about Christ to
-I have a Christian mentor
Your lifestyle.
-I tend to work hard and do my best to live a life pleasing to God, I need to improve my relationship to Him in my quiet and a lone times.
Holy Spirit
-I pay close attention to the things that are from God and the ones that are not.
"I'm just asking: what if many of us are travelling down what we think is the narrow road that leads to life, be we are actually on the broad road that leads to destruction? What if we have hit the cruise control and are travelling through life singing along to Christian Radio with a Jesus fish bumper, completely unaware that we are headed to destruction? Im not trying to make you paranoid or fearful. I believe that nothing can separate us from the love of God and confidence is in Him who can keep me from falling. But clearly the Bible teaches that there are those wo have false assurance of salvation.
So what if one day Jesus returns, and all kinds of good church-going folks find out that ,right road? I'm just asking, is it possible that you think you are a follower, but you're really just a fan in the end, they were never on the right road? I'm just asking,ink you are a follower, but you're really are just a fan.? Idont want to make people to unndecessarily question where they will spend eternity, but how can you read Matthew 7:13-14 without raising the question?"
As you read the above paragraph, was your heart a at peace or troubled?
-I would say I was in between
Week 6 Day 3 2/18/14
"Not everyoine who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you. Away from me you evildoers!'" (Matthew 7:21-23)
"Jesus doesn't say this happen to a few. He doesn't say some. He says many." -Kyle, NAF Study
Kyle asks two big questions in the episode. Try to answer for yourself.
Have I determined that I am a follower because I say I am a follower rather than because I act like a follower?
-I have determined I am a follower because I love. I think of people and love them for who they are despite their differences. I think as I grow more and more with Christ this becomes apparent.
Have I determined I am a follower based on religious measurements rather than loving deeds?
-I have determined because of loving deeds. As Eric Nelson said: " know separates the real from the fakes? Love."
I believe I am a follower of Jesus because...
-I love those
Today could you be called an "evildoer"?
Why or why not?
-I would say Im not sure. I feel like Paul a lot. Romans 7:24 English Standard Version (ESV), 24 Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?
Has answering today's tough questions drawn you to closer to Jesus or led you further away?Use today's final moments trying to discern why.
Week 6 Day 4 2/19/14
Eric: "You dont need to be here. Go Home"
Natalie: "Why? because I don't know her name?"
Eric: "Because you don't want to."
Whose names don't you want to know? Think of the people in your life. Which person's name don't you care about? Make a list, even if it must be by description in the cases where you really don't know the person's name.
-No one
What similarities do you see in these people that would them to be people whose name you don't want to know?
-No one
Whose names have you wanted, and not wanted to know, inyour interactions so far today? Make two lists, then describe why.
Wanted Not Wanted
Are your follower of Jesus based on this paragraph?
"One of the clues you may be more than a fan than follower is that when I asked ' "Are you a follower' your mind immediately went to the fact that you come to Church, put some money in the plate, volunteer from time to time. Let me just ask you a really blunt question: do you think God needs your help?
"Do you think you're earning His gratitude by ticking off a list of religious busywork?No, I am not saying that attending church or giving money or reading your Bible are bad things to do. But think for a second. Why would those things matter to God? I believe they only matter to God as an expression of your closeness to Him. He doesn't need your help, you aren't going to impress Him, but He does long for you to be close to Him, for you to know Him intimately. And really, that's the question, isn't it? Do you know Jesus? Does He know you? That's what it comes down to. Does He have your heart? Is He your everything? Do you invest more in your relationship with Him than any other relationship? I think we sometimes confuse knowing about Jesus with knowing Jesus. But there is a difference between knowledge and initmacy." -Kyle, NAF Study
Ask Jesus what matters to Him as you complete your day.
Week 6 Day 5 2/20/14
Natalie: Because this is what we are suppose to do right? I mean we decide that we want to follow Jesus, we sell all of our stuff, we quit our good jobs, we sell our homes, I mean it stinks but we suck it up and we do it anyway right? I mean this is what we are suppose to do isn't it?
Eric: That's what I'm suppose to do.
Natalie: I don't want people to say I'm fake.
Eric: Nat! Its not how much we give it's not how much we do, you know what separates the real from the fakes? Love.
Think about this question carefully:
When do you love others the best?
_When I focus on trying to manufacture unconditional love for others.
X When I focus on receiving the unconditional love of Jesus for me.
What do you learn from your answer?
-I learn that when I focus on Jesus and what He has done for me that I am in a better position to love others, because when I think that I can't forgive others I think of Christ's love and forgiveness for me.
To follow Jesus is to love. Imagine Jesus encountering those you will likely encounter today. Envision how He would look at them, what He tdwould see, how He would act toward them.
-I am about to leave to visit another person in company for the first time. Nervous about the interaction but will act like our Savior in that I will simply display love.
Would you say you have been a poser today or the real deal? Journal your response.
I would say that I am in between. Hard to say I am the real deal. I know life gets tough and hard I was upset with God when Mom went home to be with Jesus. At the same time I try to share with family and friends the truth of scripture.
Consider the question: Is Jesus a poser? Does he just pretend to love people or does He really love them? What does your answer mean to you?
I would definitely say Yes no doubt in my mind that Jesus loves people. It means to me that I should do the same.
Week 6 Day 6 2/21/14
"Jesus is not impressed because your name is on your bumper sticker, or because you have Christian music on your ipod, or because you never miss a weekend at church, or give to all the right causes. And those things are all good, but they are only good to the extent that they are done out of love for Him. Jesus says that He wants us to love Him with all out heart and sould and mind and strength. And then He says, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' It is love that reveals us to be real followers of Jesus Christ...Jesus want you to love Him enough to take up your cross. SO for you, which is it? What road have you chosen? Fan, or Follower? It all comes down to love."
-Kyle, NAF Study
Imagine yourself putting love at the top of your to-do list today. Imagine yourself encouraging the various people you will likely see, and overflowing with love, concern, care. Jot some notes on what it would be like, how it would be different from other days.
-Just being friendly to those around to not worry if we get off track from the conversations and to be aware of whatever they are going through and not going through.
Who is the best lover you have encountered? Your grandmother? Your spouse? A college friend? Describe that person below.
-My Mom! My mom is in Heaven with Christ. Mom is so kind and gentle even when I would get upset with mom, mom had a sense of peace and understanding, and a love for Christ. The love my mom has for Christ was apparent on the way mom love her kids, family, and friends. Love you mom.
Imagine someone you know answering the question from today's noon reminder with your name. What would you want them to write? How would you like another to describe you?
-I would want someone to say "Victor always shows that he cares for me, or for us because his mom taught him to follow Jesus"
Close your day by praying prayers of love for those you care about.
DAY 7 2/22/14
"Lord, please help me. Because I know that without You, I can do nothing. And I know that without love I am nothing. Without love, it doesn't matter what I say. It doesn't matter how much faith I have. It doesn't matter how much I give. The only way I can be anything is I am Yours and the only way people will know that I am Yours is if I love. That was my father. It still is." -Natalie reading from her dad's journal, NAF Study
Imagine someone finding and reading this journal of yours. How would you feel about it?
-I would feel good about this. I have nothing but for people to know Christ, and if it's through this journal, then I am for it. I want people to know the truth.
If your focus on "self" you might be embarrassed or possibly proud. If your focus was on Jesus, how would you feel?
-In everything I do I try to give honor and glory to Christ.
Who comes to mind from your study group? Write a prayer for him or her.
-In the end in general people who don't know the truth, Today I got into a debate with someone who believes differently about Christ. I truly would look at myself and pray that I show love even to those who upset me in their offense for Christ.
Pure and undefiled religion is to look after orphans and widows and to remain unstain by the world.
What kinds of things do you wish you had written in this journal?
I wish I showed, more love to people that I could write more about here. However I am continuing this, as oneday I want people to know Christ, by the way I love.
This is your last entry in the Not a Fan Follower's Journal.
What practices do you see yourself including in your life in order to best continue to build your relationship with Jesus as His follower?
I simply want show Christ's love.
James 1:27 (ESV)
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Try softly singing or humming these words as you enter sleep:
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
No turning back, no turning back.
My last note/thought:
-"Jesus is not impressed because His name is on your bumper sticker, or because you listen to Christian music on your ipod, or because you give to all the right causes. Those things are all good, but they are only good if they are done out of love for Him. Jesus says He wants us to love Him with all of our mind, soul and strength. Then He says to love your neighbor as yourself. It is love that reveals us to be real followers of Jesus Christ. Jesus says all men will know you are my followers if you love others. He wants you to love your neighbor enough to lay down your life for Him. He wants you to take up your cross. SO for you which road have you chosen, fan or follower? It all comes down to LOVE." Pastor Kyle Idleman, Not a Fan DVD.
LOVE people to show them Christ.
John 13:35 (ESV)
"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."